Honor Roll

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FY2014 Honor Roll

19.30% participation (220 Members)
The 42 individuals listed in bold contributed gifts beyond the standard dues payment.

Ms. Jennifer M. Abbondanza '97
Dr. Jeff I. Abes '97
Jodi L. Accaria, M.D. '97
Dr. Eric J. Albrecht '97
Miss Kimberly A. Allen '97
Ms. Dawn Renee Applegate '97
Jenny Kirsten Ataoguz, Ph.D. '97
Mrs. Jessica M. Avallone '97 S97
Dr. Nicholas J. Avallone '97 S97
Ms. Catherine Craig Baker '97
Mr. R. Scott Balkan '97
Ms. Franya G. Barnett '97
Richard J. Barnett, M.D. '97
Ms. Adrienne T. Barr '97 S95
Mrs. Maureen Davies Barron '97
Mr. Brian J. Bartles '97
Ms. Michele L. Bateman '97
Ms. Heidi Bauer '97 S92
Daniel J. Becker, M.D. '97
Mrs. Hilary Borland Bellm '97
Ms. Dana J. Bigelow '97
Mr. Michael A. Blount '97
Mrs. Erin Marie Blum '97
Mr. Michael R. Bois '97 S95
Mr. Matthew S. Boyle '97
Matthew J. Brady, M.D. '97
Ms. Kimberly M. Bragg '97
Stacey Breen Greally, M.D. '97
Mr. David N. Brenner '97
Ms. Elizabeth K. Brill '97
Mr. Gregory R. Bronner '97 S02
Mr. Andrew C. Brooks '97
Mr. Christopher P. Brooks '97
Ms. Laura Corwin Burkhart '97
Ms. G. McCall Butler '97
Mr. Jason M. Buttles '97
Mr. Alfredo Cabeza '97
Amy Hitchcock Camp, Ph.D. '97
Mr. Douglas H. Campbell '97
Ms. Katherine S. Canning '97
Mr. Christopher J. Carballo '97
Mr. John T. Carr '97
Theodore Whitley Chandler, Esq. '97
Ms. Christine Chen '97
Ms. Wanda L. Cheung '97
Regina Cho Getnick, M.D. '97 S96
Mr. Paul Cho '97
Mr. Gregory A. Ciongoli '97 S97
Mrs. Tara Barrett Ciongoli '97 S97
Mr. Timothy O. Colvin '97 S98
Ms. Nicole R. Cooper '97
Ms. Christina M. Cragholm '97 S96
Mr. Bernard J. D'Avella, III '97
Mr. Kevin M. Dasch '97 S97
Mrs. Rowena Houghton Dasch '97 S97
Mr. William L. Davis '97
William V. de Cordova, Esq. '97
Mr. Salvatore D. Desiano '97
Mrs. Lauren Doherty '97
Mr. Graham M. Doran '97
Mr. Geoffrey K. Dube '97
Mr. Jonathan H. Edgar '97
Mrs. Kelly L. Ehrhart Longo '97
Jason S. Ehrlich, M.D. '97
Mrs. Kristin C. Epstein '97 S96
Mrs. Christine M. Espenshade '97 S90
Mr. Louis C. Esposito '97
Jason Todd Estrin, M.D. '97
Mr. Todd H. Felix '97
Ms. Audrey McAdams Fenton '97 S93
Mr. Michael J. Fischer '97 S98
Mr. Anthony M. Fittizzi, Jr. '97
Ms. Jill M. Flaxman '97
Miss Julie C. Flynn '97
David Z. Frankel, M.D. '97
Mrs. Stephanie Blackburn Freeth '97 S95
Mr. Judah D. Friedman '97
Mrs. Alexandra Gandolfo '97 S95
Ms. Michelle Dette Gannon '97
Mr. Holland P. Gary '97
Mr. F. Tucker Golden '97
Mr. Andrew H. Goodrich '97
Ms. Betsy A. Gottlieb '97
Mr. Daniel J. Grabon '97
Mr. Dominic A. Guazzo '97 S96
Olwen M. Hahn, M.D. '97
Mrs. Oona Wren Miller Hanson '97 S96
Mr. Christian Haselgrove '97
Dr. J. Matthew Hassan '97
Naomi I. Hayashi, M.D. '97
Tiffany M. Hebert, M.D. '97
Mrs. Valerie J. Henderson '97
Ms. Melissa K. Henne '97
Ms. Carrie Wenger Hinrichs '97 S96
Dr. Hilary M. Hochberg '97
Mrs. Hallie Mitchell Hoffman '97
Mrs. Anna M. Horner '97 S96
Mr. John C. House '97
Mr. Andrew D. Howse '97
Mr. Charles Hsu '97
Mr. Kevin C. Hudson '97
Theodore D. Huffmire, Ph.D. '97
Miss Jennifer A. Hwang '97
Mr. Jinho Justin Im '97 S98
Mr. Benjamin H. Jasik '97 S97
Ms. Jennifer Zarr Johnson '97 S97
Ms. Laura Krewinghaus Johnson '97 S97
Peter H. Johnson, M.D. '97 S97
Mr. Landon Y. Jones, III '97
Mr. Ryan W. Kaiser '97 S97
Mr. David J. Kaley '97
Mrs. Ann Sunhachawee Kanodia '97
Mr. George A. Karayiannakis '97
Mr. Scott Kendall '97
Mr. Derek H. Kiernan-Johnson '97
Michael E. Kozlarek, Esq. '97
Mr. Zachary G. Kramer '97
Mr. Jonathan R. Kurz '97
Mr. Jason A. LaBonte '97 S97
Mrs. Michelle L. LaBonte '97 S97
Dr. Jennifer M. Lamping '97
Mr. Jeffrey R. Larsen '97
Kristin I. Larson, M.D. '97
Ms. Nancy D. Lin '97 S97
Ms. Rachel J. Lin '97
Ms. Amanda L. Linhart '97
Bruce M. Lo, M.D. '97
Mr. Craig E. Loizides '97 S00
Mr. Timothy B. MacColl '97
Mr. Kevin L. MacMillan '97
Ms. Rachel A. Malane '97
Kelly M. Malloy, M.D. '97
Justin V. Maroney, M.D. '97
Ms. Meredith S. Martin '97
Mr. Steven J. Matays '97 S01
Mr. Joseph E. McCarthy '97
Ms. Sophia Wun-Ying McDowell '97 S97
Mr. Liad Y. Meidar '97
Mr. Jonathan D. Mendelson '97
Mrs. Gayle A. Meyer '97
Mrs. Andrea Deutsch Miller '97
Ms. Andrea Ellman Mirin '97
Ms. Michelle L. Morale '97
Mr. G. Mason Morfit '97
Prof. Jeffrey Moriarty '97 S97
Ms. Kelly A. Moriarty '97 S97
Mr. Paul G. Morrissey '97
Ms. Kate McGuinn Motley '97
Mr. Jason B. Mullins '97
Mrs. Tiffany O'Brien Nels '97 S98
Ms. Mary J. Newburn '97
Dr. Adam J. Ortega '97
Ms. Hilary Lakes Peck '97
Mr. Robert D. Penner '97
Mr. Jason P. Pogorelec '97 S99
Mr. Justin N. N. Pope '97
Margaret Streicker Porres '97
Mr. Bradley J. Punu '97
Mr. John D. Radice '97
Mr. Duncan J. Rein '97
W. Noah Reynolds, C.P.A. '97
Dr. Matthew Ian Richardson '97 S97
Mrs. Robin Alexandra Richardson '97 S97
Dr. Stephanie Borbe Rickey '97
Mrs. Edna Maria Rienzi '97 S97
Mr. Andrew C. Right '97
Mrs. Joanna Schmidt Riley '97
Mr. Douglas W. Roberts '97
Mr. Joseph P. Ross '97
Ms. Hilary A. Roxe '97
Mr. Alexander Rozenfeld '97
Ms. Jana S. Rumminger '97 S97
Mr. David A. Russell '97
Mrs. Susan M. Schmidt '97 S96
Mr. Edward J. Schneider, IV '97
Mr. Christopher S. Serra '97
Dr. Sandra J. Shefelbine '97
Mrs. Sarah E. Shelmandine '97
Mr. Alexander Gail Shermansong '97
Ms. Tania N. Shinkawa '97
Mr. Stephen K. Shueh '97 S96
William Keoni Shultz, Esq. '97
Nicole Mulle Simes, Esq. '97
Mr. Misha B. Simmonds '97
Ms. Carrie A. Simons '97
Mr. Cory J. Skolnick '97
Dr. Andrew M. Smith '97
Miss Anna V. Smith '97
Michael S. Smith, M.D. '97 S98
Mrs. Laura Wolf Stein '97
Ms. Jean Steiner '97
Mr. Charles A. Stock '97 S97
Ms. Alexandra Nyberg Stuart '97
Yon K. Sung, M.D. '97
Mr. Reuben Swartz '97
Mrs. Hillary Wheeler Taylor '97
Ms. Jennifer L. Villa Tennity '97
Mr. Navin Thukkaram '97
Damon J.A. Toth, Ph.D. '97 S98
Ms. Veronica Valdivieso '97
Mr. Charles S. Valentine, III '97
Bevin Barberich van Zyl, P.E. '97
Ms. Kristin L. Vassallo '97
Mrs. Sonia Velazquez '97 *12
Mrs. Mariama Diao Vinson '97
Mr. Daniel J. Vitale '97
P. Brian Volpp, M.D., M.P.H. '97
Ms. Allison C. Wales '97
Ms. Elizabeth Zinsser Walworth '97
Mr. Marc E. Washington, Jr. '97
Mr. Brandon H. Wegge '97
Ms. Leigh E. Wierichs '97
Jordan M. Winter, M.D. '97 S96
Mr. Jeremy Becket Wolf '97
Dr. C. Jason Woodard '97 S97
Dr. Angus B. Worthing '97 S97
Mr. Robert S. Wright '97
Bryan P. Wu, M.D. '97
Mrs. Marianna Leigh Yellen '97
Mr. Jay S. Yook '97 S98

Each year, the Class asks its members to pay dues to cover the cost of Class activities, mailings, and PAW subscriptions. On this page, we acknowledge contributors for their generous support .

Please select the fiscal year of interest from the choices at the top of this page. Note that the Class uses the same fiscal year as the University, from July 1 through June 30. Please note that honor roll information is currently incomplete for some contributors who paid by check (updates forthcoming shortly).  Please contact the Class Treasurer, should you have any questions.